Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Star Wars and Disney

I woke up to the news that Star Wars is now owned by Disney, and they are making a part 7. Hopefully they will not try to emulate the prequels. I have hope they will do something special, and return the magic that made the originals so great. I also have hopes that there will finally be a proper release of the original unchanged trilogy on Blu-ray. I really hate all of the changes George Lucas made to the films, and they deserve a proper release in their original form.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Like headlights shining into the night, I am starting this blog over. I want to write about stuff I care about, and more from the heart. I wrote a lot of the old blog posts out of anger, and that just is not healthy. I hope this becomes something I can be proud of, and a positive step in the right direction. I am going to write about life, and my hobbies. I am also going to cover some issues I care about, and link to things that are interesting, cool, or can maybe help people.